Friday, April 15, 2011

3 weeks of chemo done

So i finished three weeks of chemo (every Thursday) and I am enjoying my week off. This chemo has given me a funny taste in my mouth so things don't taste quite like they should and my appetite is pretty much gone. Before Carman leaves for work he puts a small yogurt and a tall glass of water on my nightstand. I eat the yogurt as soon as a wake-up which I think helps keep the nausea away first thing. My balance and my movement has improved greatly! My ability to be in crowds or in room of people has not improved. Tara and I took a field trip to the mall and it was disastrous - I just about fainted (too much music and people moving around). So Tara's newest title might be personal shopper. I sleep really good and when we had some nice days I was enjoying walking outside. This latest snowfall is depressing - I hope it melts really fast. I've been really sad these dats because a young 30 year old friend of my has suffered 2 strokes. It just makes no sense. I've been reading a lot of Chicken Soup for the Soul and of course I enjoy General Hospital daily. I can't wait for the snow to melt so I can get outside and work my flower beds.