Thursday, September 3, 2009

A New Kind of Normal

My mother-in-law Heather gave me the book A New Kind of Normal by Carol Kent. In it she quotes a statement made by author Ken Gire. I share it with you because it is making me think. Think what? I am not sure yet - it's pretty deep.

"When suffering shatters the carefully kept vase that is our lives, God stoops to pick up the pieces. But he doesn't put them back together as a restoration project patterned after our former selves. Instead, he sifts through the rubble and selects some shards of raw material for another project - a mosaic that tells the story of redemption".

Carol Kent comments to this statement: "It usually takes a long time to find meaning and purpose when you are living in the middle of devastating circumstances',

In response to her statement, I wonder if I have even reached the 'middle' of my circumstance.
To lighten things up, attached is a picture taken about 4 years ago at our friend Taryn's 30th birthday party.


BIll and Sharon said...

Brenda, would you please tell Carman that I need my shirt back. Thank you. Hugs and love

Martinek said...

thanks for sharing my age with everyone!! LOL!!! game night soon?