Monday, December 13, 2010

Dear Mr. Health Minister #4

December 13, 2010

Dear Mr. Zwozdesky:

Since November 4, 2010, I have submitted a total of 2271 signatures (which includes the 368 paper signatures and 24 online signatures submitted today, and the 30 signatures directly mailed to you from my friend Tasha) to request that Tykerb, a Her2 positive targeted breast cancer treatment, be covered in the province of Alberta.

I have been advised you made a statement on Global News that the government would have an answer by the end of the month. Because Tykerb is covered in 3 other provinces (Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, and British Columbia), I look forward to you announcing that Alberta will be the fourth province to provide this coverage for breast cancer patients.

I have submitted 4 packages regarding this topic, and have left messages at your office. I look forward to you contacting me personally at 403-343-6562 when a decision is made at the end of the month. On another note, I will continue to send you signatures and pester you until Alberta covers this drug!

Brenda Odovichuc

1 comment:

E. Tyler Rowan said...

He still hasn't contacted you?! Or at least had someone from his office contact you?! Shameful...