Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dear Mr. Health Minister #5

December 21, 2010

Dear Mr. Zwozdesky:

Today I submit another 134 signatures to request that Tykerb, a Her2 positive targeted breast cancer treatment , be covered in the province of Alberta. To date, that is a total of 2408 signatures submitted.

Since Tykerb is covered for breast cancer patients in Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, and British Columbia, I question where Alberta's compassion is for our breast cancer patients? When both our provincial neighbors cover the drug, we are dragging our 'political heals'. I realize our political system pays for our health care, but politicians are not doctors. I have heard everything from that Alberta just duplicates Ontario's health policies, to an Alberta board member sitting on both our health board and Ontario's. All I will comment is that Albertans vote for Albertans to make decision regarding our residents. Do not fail Alberta breast cancer patients simply because Ontario decides to.

This will now be the 5th package I have submitted to you. I have not yet received a personal response from my previous packages or messages. I look forward to you contacting me at 403-343-6562 when a decision has been made at the end of the month. Please do not let breast cancer patients down. Your decision can make a difference between life and death.

Brenda Odovichuc

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